Hitchens on “Islamo-Fascism”

Several readers have sent me the link to Christopher Hitchens’s article at Slate in which he defends the term “Islamofascism.” Apart from the fact that I never read anything by Hitchens because he is a vile human being who in any decent society would be persona non grata, I tell my correspondents that the article in question is of no interest to me. Hitchens is a leftist, so of course he conceives of the enemy (whoever the enemy may be) as fascist. Just as D. Horowitz and V. Hanson and F. Gaffney and all the neocon myrmidons reveal their essential leftism by using the left’s favorite mindless curse word to describe the unique political religion that took power in Medina exactly 1,300 years before the Fascist Party took power in Italy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 23, 2007 04:48 PM | Send

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