Muslim immigrant does the Muhammad thing with 10 year old girl in Minnesota

72-year-old Mahamud Abdullahi Isse, apparently a Somalian immigrant, is wanted by police in Hennepin County, Minnesota for raping a 10-year-old girl. The Pioneer Press reports:

Isse visited the girl at home with her family, got into bed with her and raped her, according to the sheriff’s office. The girl later recorded a phone conversation with Isse in which he talked about having sex with her and said he wanted to see her again.

Remember, for Muslims, everything Muhammad did is the sacred model. The M man married the nine-year-old Aisha who became his favorite wife. So, when a Muslim has sexual relations with a pre-pubescent girl, he is participating in what is for him the sacred, bringing him closer to the Prophet, peace be on him, and thus closer to Allah. These are the people we have let into our country en masse and are still letting in, and if you suggest that this is not a good idea, you’re a bad person. According to Joseph Bottum, managing editor of the “conservative” journal First Things, if you think we should stop Muslim immigration you’re as “immoral as the terrorists.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 17, 2007 11:33 PM | Send

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