Spencer on Dylan

The website RightWingBob.com announces:
Coming soon, probably tomorrow, I will be publishing a Q & A with prominent author, director of Jihad Watch, and major Bob Dylan afficionado, Robert Spencer. Suffice it to say it is not to be missed.

Jeff in England, who sent me the item and is a major Dylan afficionado himself, as well as a major critic of Islam critics who lack follow-through, adds:

Wonder if Spencer likes the later Dylan live performances? If he does I might have to switch over to his side of things!!

That’s an inside joke. For some time Jeff has been trying to get me to listen to Dylan’s live and recorded performances of the last 20 or so years, assuring me they are profound, moving, and mature. In the interests of fairmindedness, I try, but, with no offense intended to Jeff, I find the studio recordings mediocre at best, and the live performances among the worst things ever done by man.

* * *

Update: Robert Spencer’s interview on Bob Dylan has been posted at RightWingBob, and it looks as if Jeff is going to have to switch sides. Spencer is a serious Dylan fan, and it’s the post-1979 Dylan that he likes the most, both the recordings and the (to me excruciating and unbearable) live performances. Interestingly, the first Dylan records Spencer got into were the Christian ones, Slow Train Coming and Saved, which I consider mediocre and unsatisfying. My one point of agreement with Spencer is that we both like Infidels. As far as I’m concerned, that was Dylan’s last worthwhile work. After that (as he sings on the last song of that album), he shoulda become a doctor, maybe he coulda done some good in the world.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 16, 2007 09:15 AM | Send

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