I guess the Japanese relocation wasn’t all bad

No one could say that it’s not a terrible experience to be forced to sell your property, your home, your business, give up your employment, give up your independence and freedom, and move with your family into a government relocation center, as Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast of the U.S. were required to do during World War II, unless they had the means to move to other parts of the country, in which case they could continue living a normal and independent life, though they still had to give up their homes and employment on the Coast. But let us also not exaggerate the supposed horrors of the relocation, the way liberals—and lots and lots of ignorant stupid conservatives—have done, describing it as the worst crime done in American history. Consider this photo of five cheerful, happy, well-dressed Japanese-American young women that was taken at the Tule Lake Japanese Internment School in 1943. Be sure to click on the link to see the larger version of the picture.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2007 04:17 PM | Send

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