Judge stops government from enforcing immigration law

It is reported in USA Today:
A federal judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a government crackdown on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, saying it could ensnare workers who are legally free to work in the USA.

On this basis, all enforcement of all laws must cease, since, given that laws are made and enforced by human beings and are therefore all imperfect, all acts of enforcement “could” inconvenience innocent parties in various ways. Indeed, since it always possible that an innocent person might be accused or even convicted of a crime, all laws against all crimes should be abrogated immediately. Then we will finally have true equality again—that same equality that existed, according to Rousseau, before the formation of human society.

I am not joking. What defines the modern left is the belief that society and its basic institutions are the main obstacle to the attainment of equality and non-discrimination. Therefore the only way that the left’s demands for total equality and total non-discrimination can be satisfied is that human society—or, rather, our human society—go out of existence.

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Howard Sutherland writes:

Your post about San Francisco federal district judge Charles Breyer’s sabotaging even the Bush administration’s utterly minimal immigration enforcement efforts moved me to google his name. I’m afraid I found no surprises. This particular enemy of America is, in no particular order, a white male, religion unspecified though his better-known brother identifies himself as Jewish, native San Franciscan (here’s his potted federal bio), a graduate of Harvard College (truly no surprise) and Boalt Hall (Berserkely’s law school), and a Clinton appointee to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Apparently Chuck Breyer got his federal sinecure as a result of his law firm’s tight connections with California Democrats, including former California House Speaker and SF mayor Willie Brown. He is also “Justice” Stephen Breyer’s brother and a frustrated Shakespearean actor, according to this love-note from the San Francisco Chronicle: . This Breyer, like his more notable brother, feels no compunction about rigging his rulings to suit his (no doubt impeccably liberal) feelings. Here’s an account of how he did the absolute minimum in enforcing federal drug laws that were expressly written to reduce the ability of judges like him to free-wheel with the law.

This Breyer’s conduct in single-handedly—illegally and unconstitutionally—frustrating even the slightest attempt to secure his own country’s safety and future as a nation is just one more in a seemingly endless string of examples (several starring his brother, a product of Stanford and Harvard’s law school) of how our deadliest enemies are neither the Mexicans sneaking across the border to take our jobs and welfare nor even the Moslems sneaking in to take our lives, but our very own elite establishment, carefully indoctrinated in our “finest” universities. We have no chance of stopping the alien invasion unless we stop this internal top-down subversion first. In a case such as this, that is the Congress’s job.

PS: In the San Francisco Chronicle’s photo of him, Charles Breyer is wearing a bow tie. I know it is totally unscientific, but my superficial impression is that most men who wear bow ties (other than with evening or mess dress, of course) are twits, liberals or both.

LA writes:

At VFR, in the belief that the source of wisdom is prejudice (since in order to know anything we have to start with some notions in our head of what is true and false, good and bad, even if they turn out to be incorrect), we are open to the expression of raw prejudice, such as Mr. Sutherland’s against men who wear bow ties, a prejudice this writer happens to share.

Buddy writes:

Nearly every line of that article is infuriating to law-abiding Americans who work hard to support themselves and their families.

Civil rights and labor groups sued because they said the Social Security database is riddled with mistakes and could lead employers to fire legal workers.

Did you know that the Social Security database was riddled with errors? A program that’s been in existence for over 70 years. Seventy years, and they still haven’t figured out how to keep the information free of an egregious number of errors. The same federal program that consumes 25 percent of the federal budget. The Feds can’t even be bothered to keep the information straight. Unbelievable.

Although it is possible that these “civil rights and labor groups” (media code words for liberal organizations) are exaggerating the extent of the problem in their effort to kill enforcement of immigration laws. It’s interesting that their focus is to stop enforcement based on errors in the SS database, rather than to fix the errors in the database.

Mark Jaws writes:

Now you see why I am for separation and secession from what used to be America. We cannot possibly engineer a majoritarian reconquest when every liberal judge will throw the kitchen sink in our path. It is better to work to hasten the demise of the beast (the federal government) and secure a break away traditionalist republic. Thus I applaud efforts by the Scots and Flemish to secede from the UK and Belgium.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 11, 2007 01:55 AM | Send

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