A Bizarro version of Jena

In a Jena follow-up, Steve Sailer constructs a luridly lit alternate universe in which the Jena Six are white and Justin Barker is black. In this Bizarro World, Sharpton and Jackson react in fury at the savage beating of a black by six whites, because the attackers, though charged with serious felonies, haven’t also been charged with a hate crime. Sailer’s fictional construction shows the true madness of our actual world, in which the worse you are, the better you are treated. In our world, not in Sailer’s made-up world, if you attempt to beat a white person to death, and if you’re black, you become a symbol of oppressed innocence.

Has there ever been a more extreme and sickening illustration of Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberals Society, which says that the more egregiously nonwhites behave, the more their behavior must be blamed on whites? However, maybe it should be called not Auster’s but Sondheim’s First Law (based on “Officer Krupke” in West Side Story): “You’re depraved because you’re deprived. Therefore the more depraved you are, the more deprived you must be. And the more deprived you are, that shows how much the whites have deprived you and caused you to be depraved. Therefore the more depraved you are, the more innocent you are.”

How long must we endure this inverted world that liberalism has created? As long as we let ourselves be ruled by liberalism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 24, 2007 01:58 AM | Send

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