The mad dilemma created by liberal conservatism

Commenting on our discussion of Rick Moran’s contradictory yet typically “conservative” view on the Islam problem (he acknowledges that deporting Muslims is the only solution to Britain’s Islam problem, but says it must not be done), a website called Freedom Folks says:

It’s really quite extraordinary isn’t it how our leaders always start the conversation with some variant of “but you can’t do whatever it is that would actually solve the problem, sorreeee, nope, you’d better just stick to the strictly impossible lest we all gather round and call you a racist for attempting to find a solution that doesn’t require magical thinking….”

How dare we? How dare we even consider whether or not Muslims as a group have any place in a civilized country? How dare we even consider the question of whether or not Muslims are capable of self rule, especially when we consider the spectacular failures in the Middle East?

How dare we fight for our own survival without giving equal weight to the desires of our killers, how dare we?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 25, 2007 08:06 AM | Send

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