What happened in Knoxville, revisited

Last spring I began looking into the Knoxville Atrocity that had occurred last January, trying to find out what had been done to the victims. The mainstream news media, of course, had barely reported the story at all, let alone the details of this kidnapping/rape/torture/murder by two blacks of two young whites; while, at the other extreme, various conservative blogs had irresponsibly passed along reports of the sexual mutilation of the victims without any sources to back them up. Finally I was contacted by a reader in Knoxville who passed on to me information from a knowledgeable source explaining what had happened. In brief, the mutilation stories were not true, but both victims, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, had been repeatedly raped, in addition to being tortured in other ways, before being murdered. That article was posted at VFR on April 13. A month later, Nicholas Stix, based on extensive research, posted at American Renaissance the first detailed account of what happened to the victims. I didn’t know about the Stix story and just came upon it today by chance.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 16, 2007 05:16 PM | Send

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