Conservatives tout Bush’s fake war against Islamofascism while ignoring Mexico’s real war against America

On September 3, 2007, President Calderon of Mexico made the same kind of imperialistic hostile statement toward the U.S. that his precedessors have repeatedly made, as detailed in my 2006 article, “The Second Mexican War”: “I have said that Mexico does not stop at its border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico.” No U.S. politician ever notices or protests such statements. An exception is Walter Moore, a long-shot candidate for mayor of Los Angeles, who has written an article, “We’re Losing A War We Don’t Even Know We’re In,”

The title is sadly ironic. Mainstream pro-Bush “conservatives” endlessly beat their chests about the “war” we are waging against “Islamofascism,” when in reality we are not waging such a war and there no such thing as Islamofascism. At the same time, Mexico, a real country, is waging a real war of demographic conquest against the U.S. that those same conservatives either blankly ignore or positively support through their support for open borders.

These conservatives are traitors to America and their power must be broken. That starts with the defeat of whatever presidential candidate they support, so that the traitorous Bush ideology cannot be continued past January 20, 2009. Yes, that might bring the traitorous left to power, but, as I’ve been saying for the last several years, the pro-Bush conservatives and Republicans are so far gone that the only thing that will get at least some of them to defend America consistently again is if the left is in power pushing its anti-American policies instead of their hero Bush being in power pushing his anti-American policies.

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Stephen T. writes:

Calderon is spot-on is his assertion that, “where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico.” He couldn’t possibly be more right. Anyone who lived in a tranquil, safe Anglo neighborhood of southern California in the 1980s can confirm that, indeed, wherever that very first mestizo Mexican sets foot, Mexico and all its blight, chaos, and corruption is imminent. A friend of mine recently underwent great personal upheaval and financial deprivation in order to bail out of his now-violent, mexicanized L.A. neighborhood for Seattle. Now he has written in panic: After only a few months re-immersion into Anglo American culture, he spotted one—just ONE—of those rolling burrito wagons near his home. The signs on the lone truck are in Spanish, the music blaring from the speakers is sonoran ranchero, familiar to Californians as the sound track of the Mexican conquest (the lyrics of their pop songs glorify illegal immigration and ridicule the inability of the impotent Anglos to stop it.) Like Calderon, my friend knows all too well that where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico. He is already wondering when he will have to move next, and WHERE? I’m sending him a map of Alaska.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 15, 2007 10:13 AM | Send

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