Bill to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens

Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA) has proposed a bill, HR 1940, which would end the practice of granting automatic citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens. As Californians’ for Population Stabilization explains:

The 14th Amendment, passed to guarantee the citizenship of freed slaves, grants citizenship to anyone born here and “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. HR 1940 acknowledges the right of birthright citizenship established by the 14th amendment to the Constitution, but says a person born in the United States is considered “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States only if one of the parents is a citizen, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien performing active service in the armed forces.

According to CAPS, our current policy results in over 300,000 additional U.S. citizens each year born from illegal alien mothers. And I just realized, these new citizens would not be counted as part of overall immigration numbers, nor as part of the numbers of those being naturalized, since they simply come into the world as U.S. citizens. Meaning that there are in effect 300,000 more immigrants each year than we realized. So automatic birthright citizenship is much more than an outrage against our sovereignty and our Constitution, it’s a major factor in the alien invasion of America.

CAPS urges us to take action on behalf of HR 1940, and we should. But we must be realistic. Even if this bill becomes law, the Supreme Court will most likely declare it unconstitutional, based on a gross misreading of the Fourteenth Amendment that has been followed for over a hundred years. VFR recently discussed at length the problem of the Birthright Citizenship clause.

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Dr. D. writes:

This is a very necessary bill to have passed. Even if it is struck down as unconstitutional, it will raise public awareness of the huge hole in our immigration defenses and the need to revise the 14th amendment to the Constitution (an admittedly difficult thing to do). Anchor babies are the source of one of our major immigration problems right now, and this is definitely a first step towards a solution.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 10, 2007 03:28 PM | Send

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