Why women are risk-averse statists (it’s men’s fault)

Here’s a blogger, the Anonymous Libertarian, who disagrees with the doubts I expressed last month about the benefits to society of women’s political equality, but who, unlike the supposed conservative Mary Jackson at the New English Review, does so without being shocked and horrified at me for raising the subject. In fact the blogger has an interesting argument. Yes, he (or she) admits, women are more risk-averse, and therefore women’s political influence does tend to lead society in the direction of the Nanny State, as I said. But, AL continues, the reason women are more risk-averse is the cruel behavior of men to which they have been subject over the ages. The idea is that we must have the Nanny State, as the only way to stop men’s historic mistreatment of women. Which is parallel to the idea that we must have the destruction of constitutional federalism and state sovereignty, as the only way to stop whites’ historic discrimination against blacks. It all comes down to the leftist belief that America and the other white Western nations deserve to lose their freedom, and thus ultimately their sovereignty and identity as well, because of their inherent inequality and inhumanity.

Anonymous Libertarian’s argument illustrates how libertarians, believing in equality as the highest good, tend to end up on the same side as statist liberals.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 07, 2007 01:10 PM | Send

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