Craig story doesn’t stop

In the absence of much VFR discussion today, check out the L-dotters on Sen. Craig. There’s an interesting range of views between those who say that the GOP should play the same unprincipled game as the Democrats and those who say that the Republicans are supposed to have principles, regardless of the Democrats’ lack thereof. For example, see posts #11 and #13.

As I see it, the correct stand for the Republicans is neither that the GOP should simply have forced Craig to resign while letting the Democrats get away with their sex scandals—thus acting in a principled way while letting themselves be defeated; nor that the GOP should have stood behind Craig while saying that since no Democrat ever resigns over sex scandals, neither should Craig—thus fighting against the Democrats on the basis of a complete rejection of principle. The correct position for the GOP is that they should have forced Craig to resign while simultaneously denouncing the Democrats for not having the same standards as the Republicans—thus fighting the Democrats on the basis of principle. But such a position, since it involves two distinct thoughts instead of just one thought, would be too “nuanced” and “complex” the GOP brainiacs to grasp. Being at bottom liberal Christians, they can only associate principle with suicidal self-sacrifice.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 05, 2007 02:22 PM | Send

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