But it’s like shooting ducks in a row

Ann Coulter amusingly lines up a gallery of left-wing Bush-hating loons who have self-destructed. Here is her closing:

If conservatives are the ones driven by ideological passions, then why are liberals the ones always falling for laughable hoaxes in support of their anti-war ideological agenda? And if liberal beliefs are true, why do they need all the phony stunts to prove them? How about liberals keep hoaxes out of politics and return them to their rightful place: “proving” Darwinian evolution.

While the left’s craziness does supply a lot of material for laughs, at bottom it’s not funny at all. Because the left is crazy, the conservatives never feel they have to make real arguments. All they have to do is sneer, like Coulter. If the left were rational, it would have challenged Bush’s policies on rational grounds, which would have required Bush’s supporters to think and make rational replies. And then we would have real political debate again in this country, which we don’t have now. And that’s not funny.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 17, 2007 12:42 AM | Send

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