Mass slaughter in Kurdistan

Now the targets in Iraq are the Yazidis, an ancient sect different from Islam. In a Yazidi village in Kurdistan, four truck bombs set off in quick succession have slaughtered 190 people, obliterating “scores of families.” I remind readers that when the suicide bombings in Israel in the 1990s would kill 15 or 25 people at a time, we viewed that (or at least I viewed it) as an inconceivable evil. But for years in Iraq, suicide bombings killing several times that many have been common, and there’s almost no reaction.

Do Bush and Rice ever have doubts about their policy of destroying the only existing order of a religiously and tribally divided society and having nothing with which to replace it? No. The megalomania of the first, and the supreme vanity of the second, are steel armor against truth.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 15, 2007 08:59 AM | Send

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