Clearing up a false statement

This evening a friend asked me, in a suspicious tone of voice, was it true that I had carried out a campaign to get Paul Craig Roberts blacklisted at Vdare? The friend got this impression from reading the thread at New English Review (also quoted in the thread at “What’s Wrong with the World”), where the professional Auster hater David Mills wrote that I have been on a “campaign … to have Paul Craig Roberts banished from the Vdare website.”

This is not true. I have repeatedly urged that Vdare not automatically publish every Roberts column, which is its policy, but instead exercise discretion. I have said that there is no reason why Vdare could not publish some of Roberts’s pieces, while declining to publish others, namely the insane, hate-mongering, Bush-blew-up-the World-Trade-Center type of article. Thus the statement that I’ve sought to get Roberts “banished” from Vdare is a typical David Mills lie.

Mills, also known as Undercover Black Man, is of course the person who actually did conduct a successful campaign to get me banished from FrontPage Magazine, as you can read about here. It is also of interest that after he sent quotes of my work to David Horowitz in May 2006 and received Horowitz’s statement that my positions (unspecified) were “racist” and “offensive” and that he would therefore not publish me any longer (a decision Horowitz did not tell me about until May 2007), Mills a month later initiated a friendly e-mail correspondence with me. The whole time we were having this amicable exchange, he had already caused me, without my knowledge, to be banished from FrontPage. Undercover indeed. The details are here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 10, 2007 09:43 PM | Send

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