The illusion of material inevitability

According to an article in today’s New York Times :
Nonwhites make up a majority in almost one-third of the most-populous counties in the country and in nearly one in 10 of all 3,100 counties…

The demographic facts and trends being described here may seem overwhelming and irresistible. But what we forget is that those demographic, material facts are the manifestations of thoughts. In the mid twentieth century the peoples of the West began to think different thoughts from any they had thought before: that the historic particularity of white societies is immoral; that any form of discrimination is the worst evil; that unlimited openness and tolerance are the highest good. Those changed thoughts, in the form of radically changed policies, produced the physical, racial transformation of Western society that is occurring before our eyes. As long as we keep affirming or accommodating ourselves to those same thoughts, the transformation must continue unabated, leading to the destruction of the historic nations of the West and of Western civilization as a whole. But if we rejected the thoughts that led to this revolution and adopted better and truer thoughts, that would produce a new politics and thus a change in the direction of physical reality as well. At the very least, such changed thoughts would mean individual and collective resistance to the dominant beliefs of our time. And such resistance—which does not now exist in any organized form—would alter the entire dynamic of contemporary political reality.

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The traditionalist blogger “Katie’s Dad 2.0” has an impassioned response to the Times story.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 09, 2007 01:44 PM | Send

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