The daily quota of murders in the New York area

How many European-Americans have lost their lives over the last four decades to black and Hispanic violence and disorder? Based on my unsystematic reading of the crime stories in the New York Post over the last 20 years, the number is vast; but, of course, it’s something that is never discussed. Just today the Post has a terrible yet utterly routine story on the murder of Anthony Sinisi, 45, of Brighton Beach, a father of two, celebrating his 17th wedding anniversary Saturday, who went out to a corner store to get some milk and on the way back was stabbed to death and expired in front of his home while his 77 year old father and 11 year old son looked on in horror. The police are looking for Mejia Cinto, 19. Police say that Cinto was looking for revenge on someone who had attacked him and mistook Sinisi for the person he wanted to kill. Cinto’s photo is in the print version of the Post, not the online version. He is the classic mesomorph criminal type we constantly see staring out at us from newspaper pages: physically powerful, mentally deficient, morally depraved.

In another terrible story in today’s Post, four young black people in Newark, New Jersey, two boys, two girls, all students at the same Delaware college, were surrounded by a gang at a basketball court at a local school, lined up against a wall execution style and shot. Three are dead. One of the girls was shot in the face but survived. Police don’t know the motive.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 06, 2007 04:53 PM | Send

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