Tancredo: Mainstream candidates moving in right direction on immigration

This e-mail from Tom Tancredo arrived today:

In the last few weeks, at least four of my opponents for the Republican presidential nomination have (rhetorically!) changed their positions on illegal immigration and amnesty—Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Tommy Thompson.

And right now Washington is buzzing with reports that the King of Amnesty himself, John McCain, is getting ready to sponsor a new immigration bill that focuses on border security—and that has no amnesty or “path to citizenship” language in it! Miracles abound! Can Ted Kennedy and George W. Bush be far behind?

Of course, I am taking in the news of Sen.McCain’s “Des Moines Road” conversion just as I did the “changes of heart” from the other Republicans I mentioned…..with many, many grains of salt! After all, neither Sen. McCain nor the other Republicans have refused to sign our “No Amnesty” pledge!

But my friend, here is what is clear and so very exciting. You and I and our grassroots movement to secure our borders and preserve our national identity have already had a massive impact on the 2008 presidential election!

And a week from tomorrow, at the Iowa Straw Poll, we have it in our power to send an unmistakable message to the political establishment……that Republicans want an unapologetic, no-weasel-words, no-conversion-out-of-political-expediency candidate to carry a bold “secure our borders, no amnesty” banner into the 2008 presidential election!

Can I count on you to make a special contribution to our campaign today, to help us in this final week before the Iowa Straw Poll? Things are really breaking fast on the ground there!

And what everyone is noticing is that illegal immigration is the issue that comes up at every GOP candidate’s town hall meetings! Your contribution today will help our campaign workers harness the enormous power of our issue to bring more “Team Tancredo” voters to Ames next Saturday!

Thanks so much for your commitment to our cause!

Tom Tancredo

P.S. Mitt Romney is now running ads on immigration saying “amnesty is not the answer!” I welcome converts—but let’s make sure our Party nominates a true believer, not someone driven by political expediency! Your contribution today will be a great help to us as we keep the debate honest!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 03, 2007 02:05 PM | Send

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