Bush’s “laying on of hands” routine with visiting foreign leaders

Here are some delicious observations about our president from Rupert Cornwell writing in the Belfast Telegraph:

George Bush, expert diviner of global statesmen from Nouri al-Maliki to Vladimir Putin, peered into the soul of Gordon Brown yesterday and found it good. In fact, Mr Bush would have us believe, very good indeed.

“He is a principled man who really wants to get something done,” the President gushed at the press conference wrapping up the now-traditional pilgrimage of a freshly minted British prime minister to the bucolic charms of Camp David, where a day or two among the log cabins of the President’s retreat reveals a man’s mettle. A moment later, Mr Bush was at it again. “You’ve proved your worthiness as a leader,” he said (apropos, it seemed, of Mr Brown’s education policies). “I thank you for that vision.” By the end, the President was in full flow, extolling “Great British values” (or should that be ‘great British values?”) and referring to his guest as “Gordon” at least three times. [cont.]

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Ben W. writes:

I laughed so hard reading that entry concerning the president’s blessing over Gordon Brown.

Is our president both king and court jester in one? Prince Hal and Falstaff in one body?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2007 05:53 PM | Send

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