The move to bring back hemp

There is a movement in North Dakata and several other states to legalize the growing of industrial hemp. Many people feel that hemp is a perfectly good product that the U.S. has needlessly banned. The New York Times reports:

Though federal authorities ban the growing of hemp, saying it contains tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive substance better known as THC in marijuana, six states this year considered legislation to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp, and Representative Ron Paul, Republican of Texas, introduced a bill in Washington that would let states allow such crops. In state legislatures, the advocates of hemp note that it contains mere traces of THC, and that hemp (grown in other countries) is already found here in clothes, lotions, snack bars, car door panels, insulation and more.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2007 11:46 AM | Send

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