The new conservative restrictionism

Writing at The Inverted World, Sam Raymond and The Realist (the site’s editor) examine the profoundly significant phenomenon that has been invisibly gathering steam since 9/11, and that emerged dramatically into the open during the recent battle on the immigration bill: the rise of—how shall I put it—something like white racial consciousness in the American conservative mainstream.

[T]he new conservative restrictionism, while couched in egalitarian terms, is like a cocoon in which the chrysalis of realism slowly matures. Although the new conservatives reject the idea of innate racial differences and superficially oppose white racial solidarity, their commentary on minority social dysfunction, the betrayal of the American majority by the government, and anti-American immigrant nationalism buttresses the position of race realists and creates an atmosphere in which we can thrive.

White racial consciousness, the view of America as a basically white, European country, was a normal, taken-for-granted aspect of American identity through our entire history up to the mid-20th century. Since the loss of that consciousness and that identity has been the main factor allowing the radical attack on and the progressive undoing of the American nation since the 1960s by multiculturalism and neoconservatism, the developments examined in this article are of the highest importance.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 26, 2007 09:31 PM | Send

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