Pipes: the occupation is lost but the war can be won

Daniel Pipes, unique among neocons, has a good record in having never supported Bush’s democratize-Iraq policy, though, unfortunately, good member of the establishment that he is, he has always made his criticisms in such a low-key way that they had zero effect on the debate. Today he urges a policy in Iraq identical to what I’ve been pushing for years: that we remove our troops from any involvement in internal Iraqi struggles while restationing them in an isolated part of the country to tend to strategic matters of true concern to ourselves, such as preventing an al Qaeda takeover and assuring the free flow of oil and gas. That way, we extricate ourselves from our hopeless Iraqi immersion, without retreating and looking like losers, as the Democrats dearly want us to do. Instead of weakening our position, we would be strengthening it.

A passing thought: the most committed neocon opinion-makers, who invested themselves heart, soul, spirit, mind, flesh and blood in this idiot president, who on his behalf gushed forth mindless hyperbolic falsities about “freedom” and imminent “victory” year after year, rejecting all logical thought until their own capacity to think was destroyed—how will they ever recover? For the rest of their lives, they will be like post-Soviet Communists unable to renounce their Communism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 24, 2007 03:47 PM | Send

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