Man drops girl into alligator-infested waters

There is a reason that murderers should be executed: they are likely to kill again. Consider the story of Harrel Franklin Bratty, who, released after serving 13 years of a 30 year murder sentence, befriended Chandelle Maycock and her daughter Quatisha. After a quarrel, he locked Shandelle in the trunk of his car, “then drove to a section of Interstate 75 in the Everglades known as Alligator Alley and dropped Quatisha in the water beside the road.”

She was alive when alligators bit her on the head and stomach, a medical examiner said.

Authorities found the girl’s body two days later, her left arm missing and her skull crushed, prosecutors said. Maycock woke up bleeding and disoriented in a cane field miles from her Miami-Dade County home.

Though the murder took place in 1998, Braddy has only just now been tried and found guilty.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2007 08:48 AM | Send

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