True and false perversions

Readers may have noticed that two previous blog entries use the word “perversion” or “perverted” in their titles. There is a reason for this. Islamic extremism is not, pace President Bush and his disciples, a perversion of Islam, but is consistent with the entire Islamic tradition as rooted in the Koran and the Hadiths. At the same time, even while President Bush falsely calls Islamic extremism a perversion of Islam, Bush’s own ideology of freedom, that “freedom is God’s gift to all,” and that it is America’s messiah-like mission to grant freedom to all, truly is a perversion of the American political tradition as rooted in Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and the Declaration of Independence.

Bush and his neocon followers are, in short, the very thing they falsely accuse the jihadists of being: modern ideologues who have hijacked the benign and peaceful tradition of their people and turned it into an aggressive ideology of global domination.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 18, 2007 04:59 PM | Send

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