Emigrants fleeing immigrants

Anthony Damato writes:

I met a man from London in the park yesterday. He was with his wife and child, and wanted to know if there was anything interesting to see in the area.

After a short talk about the nearest sights, I asked him if London is indeed “Londinstan.” He asked me to repeat my question so of course I thought I might have insulted him by such a frank question. When I asked again, he looked at me and said that London was too dangerous to live in, so he was here looking for a place to live, either in America, Canada or Australia.

In effect he is taking his wife and child and fleeing the UK because of the Third-World immigration and the chaos he sees daily there. He said the biggest threat is knife violence by new arrivals.

Though he recognized the Islamic threat imported by Blair’s and others policies, he was sure not to appear to “racist” by placing a fair share of the blame for the uncivilizing of Britain on “Eastern Europeans” namely Poles and Romanians. In other words, its easier to blame immigrants if they are Europeans, and not so easy to place the blame where the lion’s share of if belongs, on non-white, non-Christian Third-World imports.

Now we see Brussels sending out a dispatch telling Europeans not to blame Islamic terror on Moslems, least we upset social harmony.

The EU must and will fall for the sake of Europe.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 06, 2007 05:52 PM | Send

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