Brits who have gone astray

Speaking of surreal, how about the London Times’ cut-line about the five defendants in a 2003 plot to set off a 1,300 lb. ammonium nitrate fertiliser bomb at a British shopping center and kill thousands?

Five men who hoped to kill thousands with a fertiliser bomb were described as ruthless misfits who betrayed their country.

Isn’t it absurd to describe Muslim terrorists in Britain as Britons who are traitors to Britain, just because they happened to be born in Britain? Do Muslims, who believe in the global caliphate, care a fig about nation-states, especially infidel nation-states? But such are the polite fictions—“Britons, born and bred, who went wrong, how sad”—which the British need to maintain in order to avoid seeing what the terrorists in particular and what Muslims in general really are.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 03, 2007 01:26 AM | Send

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