Britain made its bed, now it’s lying in it

It turns out that it was pure dumb luck, or divine grace, that prevented the two car bombs in central London from exploding. The bombs were supposed to be detonated by phone calls to cell phones in the cars. A total of six calls were made to the two cars but the detonations didn’t occur. That’s all. If the detonation calls had worked, the Tiger Tiger club and other buildings would have been destroyed in a 400-foot wide fireball and hundreds of Eloi—excuse me, hundreds of Britons—would have been killed or maimed.

Meanwhile, two of the five arrested Muslims in the Glasgow airport attack are medical doctors. One of them was one of the two men in the car that crashed into the airport entrance.

I still can’t make any sense of the Glasgow attack from the news accounts. If anyone understands what the attack was about, how it was supposed to work, why the men set themselves on fire, and also how passersby put out the fire on the burning men without being burned themselves, let me know.

The police didn’t have any idea that these attacks were coming. The reason is that while British police are tracing various terrorists cells in Britain, there are far too many of them—a suspected 2,000 terrorists—for the police to follow. What this means is that Britain is now helpless, a supine body being eaten alive by remorseless enemies.

Come on you Brits, come on you “resolute” Island race—resolute for surrender, resolute for tolerance for your mortal enemies. Keep telling us that Muslims are not the problem, that just a tiny group of terrorists are the problem. And while you’re at it, tell us how, leaving the UK Muslim community safely in place, you are going to stop the terrorists, when the terrorists inhabit the UK Muslim community as the fish inhabit the sea.

- end of initial entry -

Josh writes:

I don’t know which came first, your harsh but exact words concerning the supine Brits or my particular recognition of the large amount of British males that visit here at my home in San Diego? What has struck me recently is how incredibly supine they appear in real life. My own experience with the British and many Europeans males in general is how sloppy and frail they appear. Many of them dress with the implicit knowledge that nothing they wear has coherency. A typical outfit would include a pastel polo, bright soccer shorts and perhaps some penny loafers. They also look lifeless in many physical respects. Many appear to be in the 22-26 age range but have the body of a 13-15 year-old boy. It’s rather striking and unsettling to ponder this as my extended ancestry. I know this is quite a generalization for such small anecdotal evidence, but I would say that the young Brit and European males that visit San Diego on a regular basis represent the sons of the European elite and upper middle classes. It is not a pretty sight, literally.

LA replies:

It’s all of Europe. All youngish European males today look spiritless and wimpy, or else thugglshly recessive.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2007 01:30 AM | Send

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