No defenses

The same New York Times article that I quoted in the previous blog entry reports:

The events in London and Scotland deepened foreboding among security experts that Britain was confronting a new threat: the use of relatively unsophisticated, homemade explosive devices to claim lives and spread mayhem.

Meaning that Britain is virtually defenseless against any person who wants to carry out such an attack.

As soon as I wrote that last sentence, I was reminded of the following.

Nicholas Davidson, an American conservative writer of partly French extraction and the author of The Failure of Feminism, paid an extended visit to France in 1990, and was shocked by the changes wrought by the Islamic presence. “In France,” he told me,

Muslims are clustered in ghettos of hideous government buildings. With their high illegitimacy rates, Arabs in France are like underclass blacks in America. Their presence has created an atmosphere of violence and fear that never existed before in Paris and elsewhere.

Islam is a wholly mystical religion, devoid of philosophy, lacking caritas. It creates strong families and primitive forms of cohesion but it is not good at teaching compassion for one’s fellow man. There is a basic difference in world outlook, a greater difference than that between Christianity and Judaism.

Islam is the only large-scale force in the world fundamentally opposed to the West and to democracy. Christianity and Islam are basically opposed. Moslems are not assimilable like other groups, such as German-Americans or Japanese-Americans. Once we have large numbers of Muslims in Western societies, we will have no defenses against them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 30, 2007 10:35 PM | Send

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