The war delusion and the Giuliani delusion

Kathryn Jean Lopez quotes an article by Nile Gardiner:

Friday morning’s foiled attack underscores that Britain remains in a state of war, and is a central front in the global war against terrorism. New Prime Minister Gordon Brown must demonstrate courage, resolve, and determination in the face of a mounting threat. Indeed his own legacy as British leader may be defined ultimately by his ability to deal with the most important issue of our time—global terrorism and its support by state sponsors such as Iran and Syria.

I don’t know who Nile Gardiner is, but his comment is the pure Bush/neocon formula. “Britain remains in a state of war.” No it doesn’t. Britain is not at war. Britain’s Muslim enemies are at war with Britain. Britain is lying supine while its enemies are eating it alive.

It’s the same in America. “We are in a war against global terrorism.” What war? Where are we waging a war? Show me. Oh, you mean our “tread the water and pass the baton” show in Iraq? Give me a break. Having our soldiers in Iraq killing Al Qaeda fighters does not prevent terrorist attacks by Muslim immigrants in America and Britain, and it doesn’t defeat terrorism, any more than endless search and destroy missions in South Vietnam defeated our Communist enemies. But maybe you mean our war against Hamas, which we empowered by ensuring its participation in the Palestinian elections, and which our Secretary of State now refers to as a “resistance movement,” rather than as a terrorist group? Uh, whoops.

“We are in a war” is a manipulative lie, the function of which is to keep the Bushbots in a permanent state of hysterical frenzy, so that no other issue matters, only the war, the war, the war matters.

And that, by the way, is why we must have Giuliani as president, because only Giuliani is tough, only Giuliani will keep us safe by fighting in Iraq, because all our enemies are in Iraq, in the Mideast, not here!, while inviting scads of new Muslim immigrants to enter America, because letting Muslims into America encourages the growth of moderate Islam and so makes us safe and so is a crucial part of the war. Yeah. So it doesn’t matter that Giuliani is a liberal whose aim is to complete Bush’s work of turning the GOP into a liberal party which will never again be able to stand for social conservatism. We must let Giuliani do all that, because without Giuliani we’ll all be dead, right? And what good is conservatism if you’re dead?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 29, 2007 11:48 PM | Send

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