
The Senate honchos added a few amendments to S.1348 and changed its number to S.1639. Was it because they realized that 1348, the year of the worst calamity in Western history, the Black Plague, was not a good number for a bill designed to consummate the destruction of the leading Western country as a Western country? When you’re trying to sell something as beneficial, and it’s really hugely hurtful, you don’t want to set off associations in the collective mind, whether explicit or subliminal, that might make people feel uneasy with your sales pitch. In any case, I can no longer call it the Comprehensive Black Death Act, a name that, at least for me, captured the bill’s awesomely ruinous character.

Also, according to Wikipedia, nothing of particular historical resonance occurred in 1639.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 25, 2007 06:50 PM | Send

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