The Senate is still proceeding with the bill

According to Dan Stein of FAIR posting today,

According to our Senate sources and Capitol Hill newspapers, Senate Leadership is planning to bring the bill back as early as MONDAY and likely no later than Tuesday. When the bill comes to the floor there will be TWO CRITICAL CLOTURE VOTES (votes to end debate). The first will be on the motion to proceed to bring the bill up on the floor, the second will be on the bill itself after the amendments are debated. Please urge your Senators to vote NO on both cloture votes. If the bill cannot be brought to the floor, it cannot be debated, and the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill cannot pass. Similarly, if the cloture vote to end debate on bill does not pass, Senate cannot take a vote on final passage of the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill,” says FAIR’s latest alert on the Senate amnesty legislation.

I cannot imagine why a cloture vote would be needed to bring the bill to the floor. The whole idea of cloture is to end debate, not start it, n’est-ce pas? Also, I thought it was entirely up to the Majority Leader whether a bill was brought to the floor or not.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 22, 2007 08:49 PM | Send

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