Can a secular-Jewish divorced incumbent mayor with a girlfriend get elected president?

Michael Bloomberg has left the Republican party—which he never cared about anyway but only joined in 2000 in order to run for mayor of New York—and is now considered likely to run for president as an independent, a move that the New York Times says he has been planning since his re-election in 2005. The Times asks: can Bloomberg be an effective candidate for president while still being an effective mayor? Its answer seems to be yes. A question the Times doesn’t ask: can he plausibly run for president as a divorced man with a girlfriend? As a female correspondent suggests, the sign that Bloomberg is truly serious about running for president is not that he switches his party affiliation to independent, but that he gets married.

However, Bloomberg, a billionaire, is known for breaking political rules and doing things his own way (for example he leaves the city on weekends and keeps his location strictly secret). Maybe he thinks he can also break the rule that a president needs to be married.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 21, 2007 08:55 AM | Send

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