Our big-brained military

For years I have derided the claims made on behalf of various U.S. military initiatives in Iraq, pointing out that if we attacked Fallujah (December 2004), the insurgents would simply leave Fallujah and fight elsewhere, or that if we attacked insurgent strongholds in western Iraq (2005), the insurgents would go elsewhere; or that if we had a “surge” in Baghdad (spring 2007), the enemy would just leave Baghdad for a while and fight elsewhere, or else wait for the surge to end. Didn’t take any military expertise. Just basic logic, a faculty notably missing in our nation’s leadership and news media.

But now we see this earthshaking headline in the New York Times

U.S. Seeks to Block Exits for Iraq Insurgents
American forces have been confounded by insurgents who have slipped away only to fight another day.

Wow! It only took our military and political leaders four years to figure this out.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 20, 2007 10:06 AM | Send

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