Why Muslim immigration into the West is bad for the West—and bad for Muslims

Bekhal Mahmod is the older sister of the honor-murdered Banaz Mahmod. Bekhal is the lucky one. As she tells the Daily Mail, after she fled her family to avoid an arranged marriage, her father, Mahmod Mahmod, dispatched his only son Bahman to kill her. He attempted to do so by luring her to a meeting place in London and striking her on the head with a dumb-bell while her back was turned, but when she begged for mercy he could not follow through with it and he let her live. Bekhal testified against her father in the just-concluded trial for Banaz’s murder. She lives under police protection and will be living in fear for the rest of her life. She says of her father (who by the way has lived on the government dole and in government housing for his entire eight years in Britain):

“Why, if he didn’t want us to be influenced by Western ways, did he bring us to Britain? You cannot expect your children to follow the same traditions as back in Iraq.

“It is an impossible expectation. This would never have happened back there because we would have known no different.”

Read this whole article, which details Mahmod Mahmod’s treatment of his daughters. This is one real-life horror story that you can be sure Hollywood will never make into a movie.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2007 10:47 AM | Send

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