The President of Hispanic America

President Bush spoke yesterday at something called the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast. (Would he attend something called the National European-American Prayer Breakfast? Would anyone dream of such a thing?)

He used lots and lots of Spanish: “Gracias. Sientese, por favor. [Applause.] Buenos dias. Si…. I’m pleased that two Senators who have got corazones grandes—[laughter]—on the immigration bill are with us today—Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Mel Martinez…. Y tambien, Congresswoman Grace Napolitano y Luis Fortuno…. Thank you for your concern for our country. You’re demonstrating El Sue o Americano es para todos…. Thank you very much for letting me come by again. Y tambien, que Dios les bendiga. Amen. Thank you very much. [Applause.].”

He said that among “many blessings that God has bestowed upon America” are “millions of talented men and women of Hispanic origin who call this country home. Our nation is more vibrant because of the contributions made by Hispanic Americans in all sectors of our society—in arts, to business, to religion, to education.” (Would he say that among the many blessings that God has bestowed upon America are millions of Anglo-Saxon people, and that our country has its political system, its legal system, its Constitution, its freedoms, its culture, its language, its morality, its vibrancy, its strength, its stability, its common sense, not to mention its very existence and independence as a nation, because of Anglo-Saxon people?)

He said: “And I thank you for making comprehensive immigration reform your top priority…. There’s a lot of emotion on this issue, and it makes sense to have people from around the country come and sit down with members of Congress to talk rationally about the issue.” (Translation: the majority of the American people who oppose this legislation, who are overwhelmingly European-American, are bigots who don’t want what’s right for America; supporters of it, including the Hispanics, are morally good and want what’s right for America.)

He said: “We must meet our moral obligation to treat newcomers with decency…” (Translation: The default behavior of the majority American population is to act indecently, so they need to be constantly told to act decently, and, further, as long as Americans oppose opening our borders, they are acting indecently.)

He said: “Each day our nation fails to act [on comprehensive immigration reform], the problem only grows worse.” (What problem? The problem of people illegally entering and residing in our country, which he has done nothing to stop?)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2007 07:46 AM | Send

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