Bush is arguably a traitor

From a news article this past March 13:

“My pledge to you and your government, but more important to the people of Mexico, is I’ll work as hard as I possibly can to pass comprehensive immigration reform,” Bush said during a sun-splashed arrival ceremony that opened two days of meetings with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in this Yucatan Peninsula tourist haven.

Combine the above with Bush’s repeated statements that Americans who want our country protected from the Mexican invasion are bigots who don’t want what’s right for America, and combine it further with the Mexican government’s and Mexican people’s own substantial record making clear their intention to colonize the U.S., and the case is established that Bush is on the side of Mexico in its hostile policy against the United States, which I have called the “Second Mexican War.”

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

As a son of immigrants I still feel a pull toward Lithuania. In the Olympics a few years back Lithuania was playing the USA in basketball, and I couldn’t wholeheartedly root for either squad. And I was born here! Fortunately that pull really has no effect, no one agitates to let in lots of Lithuanians (might be different in Europe).

But what excuse does Bush have for his heart being elsewhere? How could he have ever become president? Sometimes I suspect he was just a useful idiot for the Wall Street Journal Global Business Interests. Truly conservatives thought he was a patriot, and they just don’t know what it is anymore.

Alan Levine writes:

Your item on Bush’s “promise” to the Mexicans was most enlightening. Perhaps it is worth pointing out that it incidentally makes nonsense of defenses of the proposals on grounds of the alleged wonders of “diversity” by making it crystal clear that the issue is favoritism to one particular nationality that our President seems to prefer to us gringos.

I have been uneasy, in the past, about calling Bush a traitor. No longer!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2007 01:48 PM | Send

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