Chavez’s targets fire back, while Connerly tries to stand in the middle

Several writers at National Review Online respond to Linda Chavez’ 5,000 word attack on them. Meanwhile, Ward Connerly, after mildly criticizing Chavez for her “inappropriate” and “intemperate” remarks, much more strongly criticizes her critics for “cannibalizing” and being “intolerant” toward her and trying to take away her right to disagree with them—which, of course, is what Chavez did to them when she insanely accused all opponents of the bill of being driven by a bigoted racist loathing of Hispanics. Two of the main people she has smeared, Mark Krikorian and Heather Mac Donald, respond justly—meaning indignantly and with arguments and facts. Mac Donald, citing several studies (something Chavez ought to relate to, since she herself just loves to “cite studies”), backs up her statement, which Chavez had called racist, that we are importing illiterates who as a community are bereft of a desire for education, and she challenges Chavez to prove otherwise.

As for me, I am not constrained by even the frayed bonds of civility that still obtain at NRO. I say to Chavez what Albany says to Goneril in King Lear:

O Chavez!
You are not worth the dust which the rude wind
Blows in your face.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 12, 2007 09:45 PM | Send

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