More details on the attempted coup against America

Here, linked by Kathryn Lopez at the Corner, is an anonymous pdf document that has been circulating in Washington explaining how and why the immigration bill failed last week, and refuting the charge that conservative Republicans killed the bill. (Gosh, if I were a conservative Republican I would be proud of having killed the bill, but the document is seems to be written by a Republican staffer who wants to clear the Republicans of the blame that the liberals are heaping on them.) It’s just two pages long, but it offers a fuller account of the improper and egregious conduct of the bill’s backers than any seen so far. The day after the bill was released to the public on May 17, when we were told to our astonishment that it was going straight to a cloture motion and a final vote, I described this as an attempted coup against America. The document fills in that picture.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 12, 2007 03:48 PM | Send

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