Farah supports immigration moratorium

Now here is good news. Joseph Farah, who previously had made lots of noise about large-scale illegal immigration being just horrible, but had had nothing to say about legal immigration,—in other words, the standard, no-brainer position of most conservatives—has had a conversion. Inspired by Tom Tancredo’s call in the recent GOP debate for a moratorium on all immigration, Farah now also believes in a moratorium on all immigration. While this is a wonderful development, one cannot help but ask, where has Farah been? The moratorium proposal has been circulating since the early 1990s. Patrick Buchanan has pushed it at times and Farah publishes Buchanan’s columns. (though Buchanan has been extremely inconsistent in the way he has spoken about the immigration issue over the years). The immigration reform movement in Washington has pushed it or at least talked about it. The idea has been a staple of the immigration debate among restrictionists. Yet Farah, the editor of a major conservative web magazine, had apparently never heard of it. Or if he did, it never sank in until now.

Which goes to show the unequaled power of leadership. A man running for president, speaking on a national stage, taking a reasoned and firm position that goes radically against the accepted views of his time, and not backing off when he is attacked, can influence other people’s thoughts in a way that nothing else can do.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 10, 2007 09:40 AM | Send

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