He’s baack … but running out of moves

The AP reports:

President Bush, trying to recover from a stinging setback on immigration, will personally try in a visit to the Capitol next week to revive the embattled plan for legalizing millions of unlawful immigrants.

Bush’s scheduled lunch on Tuesday with GOP senators is part of a campaign by the White House and allies in both parties to placate or outmaneuver conservative Republicans who blocked the broad immigration measure this week. They said Friday they would try again to reach accord on the number of amendments the dissidents could offer.

Opponents of the bill promised to continue fighting all such efforts.

Notice now the media narrative is always about well-meaning reformers trying to “solve this problem,” while adverse forces, described here as conservative Republicans, stand in the way of the solution with their bickering and sniping (i.e., with politics). The media never mention that highly ambiguous role of Majority Leader Reid in this setback and the fact that he may not even want the bill to pass because he sees stopping the bill as serving Democratic partisan interests.

Here is another story on open borderites who will not give up, from the Denver Post:

Salazar: Immigration bill may return in July

An immigration reform measure that appeared to die in the Senate on Thursday could return next month, Sen. Ken Salazar, one of the measure’s chief architects, said today.

At a press conference at his Denver office, the Colorado Democrat said Senators would turn their attention to the energy bill next week, but that he is hopeful they will return to immigration reform in July.

“Failure on immigration reform is not an option,” he said. “For this Congress and Washington not to deal with immigration reform is an abdication of responsibility.”

If action is not taken now, Salazar said, immigration reform may have to wait up to five years.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 08, 2007 04:33 PM | Send

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