Jacoby Strikes Back

Tamar Jacoby, the raging Sith Lord of the open-borders camp, writes to NRO attacking Ramesh Ponnuru for his criticism of Linda Chavez’s vicious and insane smear of mainstream conservative opponents of the immigration bill. Jacoby then proceeds to argue for the bill in terms you will not believe, but which remind me of my earlier description of her as a “stone-cold, Soviet-style liar for open borders.” This woman is not just beneath contempt, she is several geological layers beneath contempt.

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Gintas writes:

From her Wikipedia entry:

Tamar Jacoby (b. 1954) is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, known primarily for her writing on immigration-related issues.

That’s her thing: open borders. She is an open-borders hammer (made of steel, think of Robert Conquest’s Stalin: Breaker of Nations ), and everything she sees is a nail.

Down in the footer she is in the categories, “People from New York City,” and “American Jews.” More grist for David Duke, eh?

Look at one of her books. It’s an exercise of hand wringing. She has her ideal (integration) and it must be realized. From one of the featured reviews:

“Devising new strategies will not be easy, but history can guide us, if we know how to listen…”

So, she accurately states that her ideal hasn’t been realized. No kidding! But that doesn’t mean her ideal is wrong, but that the right strategies haven’t been used. History suggests integration never has worked. But … (whispering) ethnic cleansing has.

This open borders movement, is it a move for ethnic/racial cleansing? Is such a term inadvisable to use?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 07, 2007 01:35 PM | Send

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