The pure leftist take on America

DM writes:

I had occasion to have lunch today behind enemy lines at a vegetarian cafe in Berkeley, adorned with far left periodicals, books and cultural artifacts from various parts of Africa and the Caribbean. I listened to the dreadlocked 30-ish year old white male proprietor answer some young patrons who were questioning him about his choice of music. He took the opportunity to transition to his politics stating that America comprises “the most culturally unaware, disrespectful, morally bankrupt and ignorant people of any country in the history of the world.” His statement in combination with his celebration of the “other” really crystallized for me the sad state of current affairs.

All cultures are to be fawned over for their moral clarity and common disdain for whatever remains of American culture. Flooding America with “anything but” obviously results in further (complete) dissolution of that American culture—because anything is better than what we currently have.

This feverish desire to dissolve American culture on the left in favor of “the other” combines with the romanticism for historical immigration on the right to make for strange bedfellows in the immigration debate.

At least the tofu jerk “chicken” burger was tasty…

Keep up great work and thank you,

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 06, 2007 10:28 PM | Send

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