The European Union: The Sequel

The media universally refer to newly installed French president Nicholas Sarkozy as a “conservative.” VFR readers know what that word means. It means that Sarkozy is a liberal. “Conservative” is the fantasy label dreamed up by liberal society so that people won’t realize how liberal our leaders really are and oppose them.

The particular occasion for my saying this is that Sarkozy has proposed a “Mediterranean Union” that would comprise European and North African states. Standing alongside Spain’s leftist prime minister Jose Zapatero at a press conference in Madrid, Sarkozy said: “We must do to the Mediterranean what the Europeans did 60 years ago with Europe.” Meaning that Sarkozy wants to create an entity that, while “loosely grouped” at first, would ultimately turn into a transnational, trans-civilizational sovereignty joining southern Europe with Africa.

That’s what’s called a “conservative,” today, folks.

- end of initial entry -

Here is a more detailed story on Sarkozy’s Mediterranean vision, published May 10 in the International Herald Tribune. With his notion that France’s future lies in some wonderful unification with North African and Islam, he sounds like every other French leader since De Gaulle initiated France’s disastrous move toward Islam in the late 1950s:.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 01, 2007 11:42 AM | Send

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