Open Borders and the One-Drop Rule of Racism

I heard today that among those opposing the Bush-Kennedy Comprehensive National Suicide Act is William Kristol, who has long been one of the most vicious of the open-borders proponents. Yet by Linda Chavez’s lights, he is an anti-Mexican racist too!

We’ve all heard of the one-drop rule of blackness, under which anything short of 100 percent white purity makes you black. What we have here is the one-drop rule of racism, whereby anything short of 100 percent open-borders purity makes you a racist. If you support one million immigrants a year, but balk at two million, you’re a racist. If you advocate two million immigrants a year, but have doubts about three million, you’re a racist. If you support three million legal immigrants per year (which Kristol did last year in the form of S.2611), but you don’t want tens of millions of illegal aliens instantly legalized, you’re a racist.

Once you get on the liberal train (meaning, once you subscribe to the belief in non-discrimination as the ruling value of society) you can’t get off alive (meaning, you can’t get off without being labeled a racist, which in liberalism is the same as being dead).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2007 03:30 PM | Send

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