Murdered for criticizing homosexual conduct

Here’s a hate crime I never heard of. Mary Stachowicz, Chicago housewife, mother of four, and devout Catholic, asked a young homosexual man who lived in her apartment building why he had sex with boys instead of girls. And he murdered her. The story includes quotes from homosexual online forums saying that Mary Stachowicz deserved to be killed.

However, the story comes from WorldNetDaily, so further sources are needed to confirm its truth.

- end of initial entry -

Update: I’m glad (journalistically) and desolated (otherwise) to confirm that the Mary Stachowicz story is true, though it is not recent. As Rod Dreher made clear in a strong piece he wrote at NRO in 2002, the difference between the media coverage of the Stachowicz murder and the media coverage of the Matthew Shepherd murder is the purest example of the double standard we could expect to find. What happened to Mrs. Stachowicz was exactly analogous to what happened to Matthew Shepherd. Shepherd manifested his homosexuality to two men in a way that was offensive to them (he came on to them), and they beat and tortured him to death. Mrs. Stachowicz manifested her disapproval of homosexuality to a homosexual man in a way that was offensive to him (she said to him, “Why do you have sex with boys instead of girls?”), and he beat and tortured her to death. Shepherd’s murder, motivated by his assertive homosexuality, made him a saint of our culture; Stachowicz’s murder, motivated by her assertive disapproval of homosexuality, was ignored. The New York Times published scores of stories on Shepherd; it apparently did zero stories on Stachowicz.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2007 01:47 PM | Send

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