Defeatism and treason

Rush Limbaugh was going on again today (I heard this from a friend) about how much he dislikes the Bush-Kennedy bill, then in the middle of this, he said, “But it looks like it’s gonna pass, when they come back from Memorial Day.”

That is not the way for any person to talk. When you’re in the middle of a fight, you don’t just come out and announce that your side is going to lose. How many times have people stated assuredly that a certain thing was bound to happen,—that a certain bill was going to pass, that Nazism was bound to dominate Europe, that there was nothing to do about Soviet Communism but adapt to it—and it turned out to be wrong? Of course we’re in a tough fight. That is not the same thing as declaring, “It looks like it’s gonna pass,” especially when you’re a talk show host with the largest conservative audience in America. It is traitorous and undermining to our side to say the kind of thing Limbaugh said.

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Andrea C. writes:

Yes, I just heard that too. And did you hear what he said about 20 or 30 minutes earlier about the origins of Bush’s support of all this? He used the thick voice and slow, careful enunciation of his that he uses when he’s expressing something very respectfully and spoke of Bush as a “man of deep faith.” I made me think of some of your writing on this subject of Christian religion that I sum up as “the Bible is not a suicide pact.”

P.S. Rush still carries water for Bush even though he said he would no longer do that after the ‘06 election. I can’t figure out why he thinks that is beneficial in any way.

LA replies:

I have felt for years that Limbaugh was basically worthless. His act of pre-emptive surrender today seals it.

David B. writes:

He has been saying “the Democrat Congress will pass it and the President will sign it” since last November, on the rare occasions he would mention the issue.

I listened to Limbaugh for a few minutes earlier this week. A woman caller actually chided him for not talking very much about immigration. El Rushbo indignantly replied, “What do you mean? I’m leading the opposition!” He then gave his trademark belly-laugh, and acted like he has been out front on the issue.

LA replies:

Limbaugh maintained total, absolute, cosmic silence on the immigration issue from around 1989 until the last couple of years. His program obviously had a screener for all those years who blocked all callers who wanted to talk about immigration. And even today, when he does discuss it, it’s only illegal immigration. Yet “Foxhole” Limbaugh thinks of himself as the person who is leading the opposition, even as he tells his 20 million person audience that the battle is lost.

When it comes to the supreme question of national existence, Limbaugh is not on our side, he never has been, and his defeatist statement today proves it. I wish people would realize this and only listen to Limbaugh, if they listen to him at all, the way they listen to Katie Couric or Diane Sawyer.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 24, 2007 01:14 PM | Send

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