How bad is the immigration bill?

It’s so bad that even John Podhoretz, a longtime lockstep proponent of open immigration and a mindless bullying smearer of immigration restrictionists, is against it. In fact, he’s so against it that he’s even expressing gratitude to the “expectorating,” “hysterical” critics of the bill for exposing its astounding content.

Meanwhile, even as the New York Post is covering the immigration debate and is publishing significant opinion pieces against the bill (Kris Kobach yesterday, J. Podhoretz and Thomas Sowell today), the New York Sun’s only mention of the immigration bill in today’s paper was a bland AP story buried on the bottom half of page 7 about the Senate’s decision to delay a vote on the bill. It is in fact the same uninformative AP story that I linked at 7:30 p.m. last evening, and that I promptly filled out and corrected with further information. Other than that, today’s Sun had nothing about the extraordinary debate swirling around the bill and the qualms and outrage that even open-borders proponents are expressing about it. It’s clear that the neocon Sun favors the bill and therefore is automatically downplaying any setbacks the bill is suffering. The Sun, in short, is engaging in news censorship.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 22, 2007 05:13 PM | Send

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