Why do they want it?

One of the great challenges facing the country in recent decades has been the maintenance of the long-term viability of Social Security. Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation says that S.1348, by adding tens of million low-income persons to America, will speed the destruction of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Why, then, do the bill’s supporters support it with such fervor? Why are they shutting down debate? Why, asks Mark Levin, does the Wall Street Journal deride all opponents of the bill as “restrictionists” who would “slap [the amnesty] label on anything this side of mass deportation”?

People on our side keep saying that what drives the open borders proponents is the desire for cheap labor. But a desire for cheap labor could not explain such grim fanaticism in favor of a bill so obviously economically ruinous. What then explains it?

It is what I have said all along: the moral passion to transform America into a truly diverse, non-white, non-European country. For its supporters, this bill is the decisive act in that endeavor, breaking the old America in such a way that it will lose all power of resistance. That’s why they engage in any lie, any fraud, any violation of the normal deliberative process, in order to push the bill through. They are playing for keeps.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 21, 2007 12:25 PM | Send

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