Do we share a common national loyalty with Detroit’s city council?

Stephen F. writes:

Having read that Detroit (near where I currently live) has become a “sanctuary city” where police can’t ask people they stop about their immigration status, I thought I’d find out who the Detroit city council consisted of, who passed the ordinance unanimously, so I could write in protest. Here they are. Which one of them do you think I should write to? (That’s a tongue-in-cheek question).

Howard Sutherland writes:

“Reading between the lines” of the photos, it appears the only white on the Detroit city council may be a woman married to another member. Interesting state of affairs, and hardly the “diversity” of multicult dreams.

Gintas J. writes:

Howard Sutherland doesn’t realize the depth of diversity of this council. If it were an all-male, all-white council, you would have zero diversity points. For each female, it’s a point. For each black, it’s a point. Thus, the current council has 15 diversity points! For a council of nine it’s very diverse.

RG writes:

As a resident of a near-to-Detroit suburb, I can assure you the Detroit City Council is a laughing stock to just about everyone outside of Detroit city boundaries. But more importantly the voting to become a so-called sanctuary city is just another example of the power that the ethnic pressure groups, in this case, Latino lobby groups (with the help of the government of Mexico) yeild nowadays.

This is one major reason I am increasingly pessimistic as to true immigration reform (that is, immigration reduction and enforcement), the open-borders lobby is big and powerful. They include not only Latino supremacy groups like La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC but big business, mainstream churches and good old soft-hearted “uber tolerant” liberals.

Of course the solution is the “d” word—that word that 99% of all politicians and commentators are afraid to use: Deportation. It’s simple, it works, most other nations use it, why don’t we?

LA replies:

If it’s doing these bad things, it doesn’t sound like a laughing stock to me.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 15, 2007 11:35 AM | Send

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