Quick access to interracial rape data

At this Russian-language webpage, which seems to present a Russian translation of my article on interracial rape, there is a reproduction of the relevant part of Table 42 showing the figures on interracial rape in 2005 that I referenced in my article. This is a much quicker way of getting to the table than going to the web page of the National Crime Victimization Survey, finding the pdf document, downloading it to your computer, opening it in Adobe Acrobat, and scrolling through it to find the table.

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Maureen C. writes:

The Russian article you cite is not a word for word translation of your article. It’s more of a shortened retelling of certain points raised in your article, e.g., the Duke Rape case.

The Russian article uses the table to make the point that U.S. media have not called attention to this kind of data due to the pervasive bias of U.S. media towards liberal PC-ness.

Russians enjoy catching the U.S. in this kind of blatant media bias, because it is a form of rebuttal of the accusations of the U.S. State Dept that the Russian media are controlled versus the U.S. media which are “free” media. In other words, the Russian article is saying to its readers, “Look at the U.S. pot calling the Russian kettle black.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 07, 2007 04:40 PM | Send

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